Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Big Step for A Non-Writer

I guess I shouldn't call my self a non-writer, especially since I'm working on an English degree with a writing concentration. But it's true. I've never been a big writer and sometimes it's difficult to think of things to write about without a prompt. Going into college at the beautiful Manchester University (in Indiana, USA, not England), I decided to build a career around English because I love reading and want to be an editor.

To my dismay, my professors thought that I should focus on writing. I confess at first I was a little bitter about being pushed in the writing direction, but Manchester puts a very large emphasis on writing and I have grown to have an appreciation for great writing. As a current junior, one of the things I have to complete is a writing internship. My freshman year, I was terrified at the thought of finding one, but just yesterday I met the woman I will be working with for the next semester and my nervousness turned into excitement (much like the large population of squirrels that occupies my campus is now excited that the snow is melting).

I'm going to be blogging for my internship with published author Karla Akins, author of The Pastor's Wife Wears Biker Boots, Oh Canada! Her Story, and biographies for middle school age children. She's currently working on an interactive ebook about Marco Polo. I've never been a consistent writer, so I think one post a week for now will be a big step. Hopefully once I get the hang of this, it'll be easier to continue writing after this amazing experience!

Besides blogging about my work and experiences with her, I might be writing about life in college and my thoughts on the books I'm reading in class (I don't have a lot of time to read outside, unfortunately).
I would love to hear back from you via comments! (Especially if it's about a book I review; I love a good discussion)


  1. Fantastic post! You ARE a writer because you WRITE! So happy that our paths have crossed and I'm excited to be working with you! Write on!

    1. Thank you Karla! I think I should take that saying and post it on my bulletin board. "I AM a writer because I WRITE!" It would probably make me feel better when I'm working on essays. :)

  2. Great job, Erica! Keep writing, and posting--you're off to a great start. If you ever want to read and review a Middle Grades novel (8-12 years), let me know!

    Best of luck to you in school and in your new internship! Aloha! --Cheryl

    1. Thank you! Of course I'm always looking for editing practice, so if you have something to review I'd be willing!

  3. How exciting! Karla is amazing and so diverse in her writing. You'll learn so much from her!!! Great to meet you and happy writing!

    1. Thank you for your response! I'm very excited to be working with her. Great to meet you as well!

  4. Hi Erica and welcome! I have to confess a couple of things. When I read the web url quickly, I thought it said "The slanted elf" and I thought, "Well, isn't that interesting. Poor little fellow. Wonder what happened?"

    And then when I saw you wanted to be an editor, I started to email you my manuscript because, you know, that's what desperate writers do!

    Glad you're here and you'll have fun working with Karla. I'm pretty sure she uses some kind of fancy software to block all my posts so you'll probably never see this. But if you do, I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

    1. I must say your response to my web url kept me laughing for several minutes! I think "The Slanted Elf" would make a very great story though. :)

      And I'm always looking for editing practice, so if you have something to review I'd be willing!

      Thank you for your response!

  5. Hi Erica. As someone who loves to write (fiction for the Christian market) and blog, I encourage you to embrace the world of writing. I say world because writing truly opens up so many possibilities of growth and contacts and valuable life lessons. It's one blessing after another. Best wishes.

    1. A PS--I love your blog arrangement, especially the header and title!

    2. Thank you so much! I'm working on embracing writing but it's a little tough opening up sometimes. I do enjoy getting responses though. I think it'll be a greater motivator to make me to write more.

  6. Very nice post, Erica! It's taken me
    years to think of myself as a writer,
    even though that's what I always
    wanted to be. Writing becomes
    better and comes a little easier
    the more you write.

    And take heart, I'm sure the more you learn
    about writing, the stronger editor you will

    I agree with Elaine--love your header and
    title. Enjoy your internship with Karla! I'm
    sure you will learn much.

    1. Thank you! I'm actually taking my first writing class right now, so I'm hoping that this blog and my class will make writing a little easier for me.
